In today 21st century we really need to keep ourselves updated with the new inventions if we want to keep runing with the professional world.By time to time new inventions are keep moving forward.A computer before was not like today's computer system.Furthermore the components used before in the system were different like we have today.Similarly more the things we see are the more electronics components that took a huge change in today's century.Thanks to the today technology which changed everything just like saved our time, require less energy to use also reliability.The hamans which were usually doing their tasks by conseving their energies are not like today.Before they took days or even months to complete a single task but now it is not like it was before.We have the time saving and less energy used stuff.
In this world there is nothing which is useless.In our life every thing has its own role.I focus more on the stuff which are related to the electronics.If you see around in your daily life i am sure you will found a huge amount of electronics made stuff.If you are reading this text right now it means you are using an electronic device just because right now you are using your laptop computer or tablet or a smartphone or may be some other device.
Electronics devices need another   electronics made devices.We see the scientist made many devices which are dependent of other electronics invented devices.If we think about a laptop as an example we see laptop is the amazing thing which comes from the scientist hard work.But this is not enough you can't always runs you laptop like without a connected wire you need a backup so recharge you laptop and for this purpose you use a charger.Now laptop charger is another electronics invented.
The lights, the traffics signals, the T.V in you home, the projector for you presentation, the laptops, the smartphone, tablets, microphones, headphones and many many more stuff you see around are all almost made of electronics.